Saturday, March 13, 2010

School Part One: PE

Ah, school. The place I have spent 9 years of my life in. The place that can be fun and interesting. Boring and dull. Happy. Sad. Annoying. Frustrating. It can be any number of things(including Hell). Most of the time it's cool but life's never constant.

My school experience is mixed. I've had days where I've loved school and days where I've hated it. Unlike some people I know, I understand that, however boring it can get, school is vital to having a career in the future. Unless you fancy being a trashman. We need to learn skills, academic and social, physical and mental. Well... I kind of disagree with PE being compulsory till VCE. That is the one thing I have always hated in school. PE. Painful Extortion. Or Pointless Evilness. Or maybe UT. For Unecessary Torture.

Here is why I hate PE:

1. I'm hopeless at it(I'm unco).

2. Everyone always laughs at me(That's their idea of fun. Sad, isn't it).

3. Everyone always yells at me for getting it wrong.

4. It's confusing.

5. It's boring.

6. It's pointless.

Okay I know some people find it fun, and that's fine, you don't have to hate it. But still, why do I have to do it?! I am not going to be a sport's star when I grow up.
Then you could argue that I need to learn the skills. I WILL NEVER LEARN THE SKILLS!!!!! CAN'T YOU TEACHERS GET THAT IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!! Sorry for the rant. I just get so frustrated with sport teachers. They are always telling me that I just need to practice. I HAVE BEEN PRACTICING FOR ALMOST THE PAST DECADE!!!!!!! (I really need to stop yelling at my computer screen.)
Then there's the whole thing of physical fitness. Can't I (or kid's like me) do individual sports like rock climbing or running? I like rock climbing.
Anyway my teachers don't listen so unless I get some kind of miracle I'm stuck in PE for the next four years. groan.....

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