Monday, March 8, 2010

Spontaneous Decisions

Occasionally I have what I like to call Spontaneous Decisions. This can be things like: throwing a pillow at my brother, writing a poem, punching someone(this is a rare couple of times a year event), throwing my brothers wickets across the backyard or even creating this blog. I got home and decided to create a blog, just like that. For instance, today I attempted to make my pen fly in P.E Theory. It worked!(for about half a second). Anyway, these SD's can sometimes get me into trouble, like when I had a tantrum because my ex-chinese teacher had me for homeroom(for further detail I will make a post about school sometime). And sometimes they benefit, I like them though, because sometimes I end up doing something super cool.
This is Josh Fielding, signing out from my first post. Beam me up Scotty!

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